What is your cat breed?(girls only)

cats are awesome!!! They are all different and unique!! I have a Bengal and a Maine coon, and they are completely different. The Maine coon sleeps all day while the Bengal acts so agile!!

If u r a cat lover, you'd be my bff!!!! Also rate my quiz to see if I can do better on my next quiz. My Bengal just jumped on my desk giving me that look that this paragraph is already too long!!!

Created by: Lola
  1. how old are u?
  2. what is your hair like?
  3. what if you saw someone hurt, what would you do
  4. what would you do on a weekend?
  5. what's your style
  6. what's your fav type of music?
  7. will u rate my quiz?
  8. what's your fav color?
  9. ygjhwchjdbchdnbc
  10. the quiz is over, are u happy????

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Quiz topic: What is my cat breed?(girls only)
