What is your biggest strength? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your biggest strength?

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  • Your Result: Your creativity 78%

    Your biggest strength is your creativity! Creative people are highly innovative and aren't afraid to experiment with new ideas. They like to create new things such as stories, music, and art. Creative people are able to perceive the world in new ways and to turn imaginative ideas into reality. They are bored by routine and don't like to do things by the book. This is a very important personality trait because many people lack imagination and original ideas.

    54% Your patience
    51% Your loyalty
    45% Your kindness
    42% Your ambition
    34% Your wisdom
    34% Your intelligence
    16% Your honesty
    14% Your confidence
    0% Your bravery

  • What is your biggest strength?
    Your Result: Your kindness 78%

    Your biggest strength is your kindness! Someone who is kind is friendly, considerate, and generous and is never rude or mean to others. Kind people are always willing to help other people out without expecting anything in return. Kindness is also going out of your way to show another person that you care about them. Kindness is a very important character trait because truly nice and kind people can be hard to come by.

    63% Your patience
    42% Your loyalty
    34% Your wisdom
    24% Your honesty
    11% Your intelligence
    11% Your creativity
    0% Your bravery
    0% Your ambition
    0% Your confidence

  • Your Result: Your bravery 86%

    Your biggest strength is your bravery! Someone who is brave is someone who isn't afraid to stand up for what they believe in. They believe strongly in doing the right thing, and treating others with justice and fairness. Someone who is brave is courageous, fearless, and heroic. This is a very important personality trait because many people are too afraid to speak up and fight for what they believe in.

    81% Your honesty
    69% Your patience
    57% Your wisdom
    57% Your intelligence
    53% Your loyalty
    52% Your confidence
    43% Your kindness
    43% Your creativity
    26% Your ambition

    This is one of the best quizzes I've ever taken :D

  • Your Result: Your confidence 86%

    Your biggest strength is your confidence! A confident person is someone who is self assured and knowledgeable about their own abilities and qualities. They can usually get themselves out of any situation and are very strong minded and are not easily insulted. Confident people are often very motivated and focused when it comes to completing their goals. This is a very important personality trait because many people are held back in life because of low self esteem or low confidence.

    Haha, in the fact I'm not

  • Your Result: Your intelligence 86%

    Your biggest strength is your intelligence! An intelligent person has high intellect and the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills to different situations. They think before they act and do not rush into things or act impulsively. Intelligent people tend to have good judgment and are very intellectual and like to know how things work. This is a very important personality trait because many people do not have good problem solving skills.

  • Your Result: Your patience 81%

    Your biggest strength is your patience! A patient person is often calm when dealing with a difficult situation, and is able to keep a level head and an open mind. Patient people have good self control, and are not easily bored. Patient people are understanding and forgiving, and don't sit around complaining. This is a very important personality trait because many people are impatient and expect things to come to them immediately.

  • Nice quiz but I really don't think the answers are that aquarate cuz honestly I'm not really that patient nor kind unless u really get to know me. I mean I'm not a dick but I just keep to myself usually. I feel like I'm more creative but cool quiz anyways.

    • ZIMMM

    • Chicken nuggets are actually one of my favorite foods to ever exist lol.

  • I am rather patient it's unbelievable how patient I can be.

  • Good Quiz!

  • my greatest strength is my creativity! i thought it would be my kindness.


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