What is your biggest fear?

This is a quiz to see your biggest fear. Whether it be the unknown, public speaking, fear of being alone, becoming a disappointment, failure, or fear itself!

The results will tell you both how you may act, and what you may improve on. I hope you find this amazing! Have Fun! (sorry, that was cheesy. I don't know what else to say.)

Created by: Annie
  1. What is the crappiest feeling in the world?
  2. Introvert (drained after being with people) or Extrovert (the opposite)?
  3. Do you have a great imagination?
  4. Are you a dreamer or a doer?
  5. What is your biggest common fear?
  6. What do you do in your spare time?
  7. Which high-school stereotype are/were you?
  8. Are you a hard-worker?
  9. Do you admire anyone in your life?
  10. Do you try to fit in?

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Quiz topic: What is my biggest fear?
