what is your basketball overall

what does it take to be that great basketball player that you always dream you wanted to be. well id be lying if I told you that I am a GREAT basketball player but I am pretty good.

I am a beast at handling a basketball, shooting the ball, and rebounding. Its not good for me to keep my skills and not pass it on. I am setting up a group. A good group. Y group

Created by: Timothy Lamar Powell Jr.

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your height
  2. How high can you dunk
  3. How far can you shoot
  4. What is your handling skill
  5. What is your position
  6. If you can be one person who would it be
  7. Do you like running
  8. if you said yes on q.9, are you fast
  9. do you know who Teejay Powell is.
  10. Are you ready

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