What is your attitude?

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There are many people with different attitudes, but what about you? Do you know your attitude, or how you react? An attitude is a thing a person follows.

Are you normal, happy, mean, or smart? Find out in this quiz to see how your attitude is or how your body moves and how your brain does things in your body. Wonder what your attitude is?

Created by: Nami
Personality Test
  1. You see your friend and he walks over to you to ask you something. You...
  2. You forgot you had almost a million dollars and want to do something with it. You..
  3. Your invited to a ship cruise and can invite 10 more people. You invite..
  4. You see someone getting bullied, you..
  5. A poor family asks you for help. You..
  6. You want to go skydiving, but you don't have money. You..
  7. Your playing a game in an arcade, and someone asks if you can let them have a turn. You..
  8. Are you rude?
  9. Are you nice?
  10. What attitude do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What is my attitude?