What is your ant job?

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There are many different jobs needed to make an ant colony work. Take this quiz to figure out if you were an ant, what job you would have based on your personality and interests!

The options of jobs that you can potentially have are tunnel, digger (they build all the tunnels for when the ant populations increase), Guard (they protect the tunnels), the Queen (lays all the eggs and is the one in charge), the nurse ant (that takes care of everyone) and the forger (the one who goes out and finds the food).

Created by: Ms. Collins
  1. What is your favorite hobby?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. You're at the beach, what's the first thing you do?
  4. What's your dream job?
  5. How would your friends describe you?
  6. What's your favorite Winter Olympic sport?
  7. What season is your favorite?
  8. In your opinion, what's the best subject in school?
  9. You family is planning a nice vacation, what do you hope it will be?
  10. What type of job do you think you would have if you were an ant?

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Quiz topic: What is my ant job?
