What is your animal?

Do you ever wonder what animal you best suit? Well if so here you can take a very short quiz to see what animal you are. There are five diffrent animals you could be.

The questions are easy and simple questions to understand. What are you waiting for try it. Please remember to comment on what quiz I should do next and rate the quiz if you liked it.

Created by: Bella10
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like going outside?
  2. What is your favourite colour?
  3. How tall are you for your age?
  4. Do you like meat?
  5. What will you rate this quiz?
  6. Do you like climbing trees?
  7. Are you fast at running?
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Are you allergic to fur?
  10. Are you afraid of heights?

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Quiz topic: What is my animal?