What is Your 1st and Last Name? character name creator

Hey! Don't stop here! Go on and answer all the questions! Some are about books, so if you don't read books or watch movies, you might want to actually stop!

Oh good, you're still here. What's your name again? Sorry? Oh, well, if you take this quiz it will tell you what your first and last names initials should be. Like, if you were in a book. Fictional names! Enjoy!!!!!

Created by: That Girl Jay Zo
  1. What does your current name start with?
  2. What continent do you live on?
  3. Have you seen the lord of the rings movies? or a hobbit movie any at all?
  4. What letter does your favorite book character's name start with?
  5. Do you know who That Girl Jay Zo is? Also known as Hermione Batty Legolas Penderwick-Skywalker.
  6. Von Heiss is a cool last name, in my opinion. Which is better, Tifton, Penderwick, Von Heiss, or Geiger?
  7. Do you think Ariel is a good Disney character?
  8. Why are you alive?
  9. Should Jeffrey be with Batty or Skye in the Penderwicks?
  10. What is better: a pencil, legos, Jeffrey Tifton, or Tommy Geiger?

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Quiz topic: What is my 1st and Last Name? character name creator
