What is you most treasured item

If you get the result that has tele in it you say flyers if you get the one where you run in fear say ahhh and if you get the one where you can’t breathe

Say ach I can’t breathe and if I am a idiot say darn the maker of this quiz is a idiot and that means I am a idiot for doing this quiz because I am a flower and flowers can’t do quizes

Created by: Copper dragon
  1. Do you want to be a scary dragon
  2. Do you love making other things fly
  3. Do you like cold air or warm air
  4. Am I an idiot?
  5. What does telekenisis mean
  6. Ok about halfway done exited for your answers!?
  7. Do you think this is a stupid question
  8. Oh do you think you should wield great power
  9. Are you really a dragon
  10. Are humans idiots

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