What is you favorite baseball team

I beet I can guess your favorite baseball team. Try it. J. what is the point of this

I don't get why I have to write this just do the quiz it's fun and I hope I get it right and if I do please share with friends and family so I hope u enjoy this

Created by: Raffaele3
  1. Do you have win every year?
  2. Do you need to have the best players every year to be happy
  3. Do you find yourself in arguments about your team or harassed because you like this time
  4. Where are you from?
  5. Does you favorite teams state have another team in it
  6. Does your team have a bitter rival
  7. Who is your favorite player
  8. Who is your favorite player
  9. Could you bring your family or friends to your favorite teams game with out breaking the bank
  10. Did your team recently move to a new stadium

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