what is ur supervillian character !

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am this quiz is abut bla lab ko shi mu ka la cho sham jo hi jdoh hsjjj ujkk .. u bal aba nlan hhnhb nnnn i am bored why i have to write this much so lets have fun

am this quiz is abut bla lab ko shi mu ka la cho sham jo hi jdoh hsjjj ujkk .. u bal aba nlan hhnhb nnnn i am bored why i have to write this much lets have fun

Created by: aditya

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which word describes u best
  2. which super hero is ur favrate
  3. some one start beating u what will u do
  4. which place do u like
  5. which colour or color u really like
  6. do u think that u re a good person
  7. are u a youngster ?
  8. whats ur favraite villian
  9. so is this quiz was instrusting
  10. last question how was this quiz

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