What is ur quirk?

Ayo i have no idea what im doing sooooo enjoy the quiz-if you could even call it that-and hopefully finish it.UWUWUWUWUWUWUWUWWUWUWUWWUWUWWUWUWWUWUWUWUWU

I have absolutely no effort.So uh ye.I was bored and wanted to share some ideas i guess.Do not expect more from me,this is most likely a one time thing. Uwuwuwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuu

Created by: Uwunknownbi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think this test is good? (This is my first try so leave tips in comments!)
  2. What would you like to get?
  3. What is your personality like?
  4. Do you have any oc’s that you need quirk ideas for?
  5. Look at this series: 12,11,13,12,14,13 What number comes next?
  6. Which word does not belong?
  7. Cup:lips Bird:?? What belongs?
  8. Alert villagers find bandits and capture them,what is the course of action? |=Villagers get sophisticated weapons ||=Villagers get rewarded
  9. If a legislature decides to fund agricultural subsidy programs, national radio, and a small business loan program, what 2 other programs can they fund?
  10. Statement: Anger is energy, in a more proactive way and how to channelize it is in itself a skill.

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