What Is the Essence of Your Personality? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Is the Essence of Your Personality?
What Is the Essence of Your Personality?
Your Result: Wisdom81% Based on the answers that you provided, the essence of your personality is undoubtedly Wisdom. However, it could be rivaled by other essences. See below to view to which others you are similar.
51% Tenacity
46% Love
35% Brilliance
31% Courage
20% Fury
18% Benevolence
15% Malevolence
2% Discord
0% Unknown
Awesom e quiz!aadee1 -
Fury,I am very defensive over myself and my beliefs as well as overly protective and revenge seeking on those who wronged me in the past of my life time too. Cool quiz mate.
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