What is my wolf name

After all, there are many wolves in the world, wolf packs, house wolves and of course evil ones, there are noble betas bore leaders and even little pups.

Are YOU a leader or an evil, for what would your wolf name be, you can decide, or you can descovor.You decide whether to descovor or to decide about your name, take this quiz to descovor now.

Created by: Ash92
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you prefer to look?
  2. Your father just killed someone do you...
  3. A bear just killed your son, what do you do....
  4. A tree in about to fall on camp right on the nursery and you can hear it, what do you do...
  5. You just killed a bear and the pack is eating, you...
  6. Your mate just had pups! what do you do...
  7. your mate was just killed by a fearsome leader, what do you do....
  8. Where will you go when you die...
  9. a human enters the pack camp, what do you do...
  10. you are now the leader of the clan, what do you do...

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