What is my wizard/witch familiar?

This quiz will tell you what your wizard/witch familiar is. It will also tell you what your magic specialty is. Make sure to be true to yourself on these questions, and don't lie.

There are ten simple questions. If you like one creature more than another, I strongly suggest not to pick the obvious answers that lead to it, because, though you like the creature, it may not be right for you.

Created by: Nick
  1. Choose a word.
  2. What is your greatest ambition?
  3. Element?
  4. Clothing type. (Yes, this matters)
  5. Why do your friends like you?
  6. How many friends do you have?
  7. Choose another word.
  8. Pick an ability.
  9. Pick a sport
  10. Favorite number. ( Yes, it matters )

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