what is my name

my quiz is about your name if I didn't get it right then you didn't choose the right answers about you if I did get it right woohoo for you your smart and know a lot about yourself

I know you haven't taken this quiz yet and I keep saying "if I did" I'm speaking as if you will remember this when you get done with the quiz and while your looking at your results you'll be like ooooh!

Created by: michelle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite activity out of the ones given?
  2. what best describes you?
  3. what would you name your child if it was a boy?
  4. what would you name your child if it was a girl?
  5. what is your race
  6. what is your favorite color of the ones given?
  7. what best describes your hair?
  8. how many brothers do you have
  9. how many sisters do you have
  10. which hand do you write with

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