What Is My Lucky Food?

Food can be delicious but did you know it can be lucky too? Well it can be. There is a legend called foodie. It's the story of a girl that earns super powers by eating fish.

But what can give your lucky superpowers? Take this quiz to find out. I know that deep inside you do have a foodie power. Discover it today in this quiz.

Created by: alex

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you go to restaurants?
  2. My fave fast food.
  3. My favorite sport to play is...
  4. My favorite music is.
  5. If I could teleport right now were would I go?
  6. Choose the sound that most appeals to you?
  7. What's my favorite animal?
  8. If I could make a cooking channel what would be the title.
  9. My fave desert is.
  10. My fave drink is.

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