What Immanuel's Veins Character are you?

So you read Ted Dekker's book, Immanuel's Veins? Take this quiz to discover your true self. Are you Natasha or Lucine or Sophia or Alex or Toma or Vlad.

How much do you know about yourself? Take this personality quiz based off of characters from the book Imanuel's Veins and learn more. Discover some of your personality perks and faults and just have fun!

Created by: Magdelaina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in the Cantimier Ballroom and there is a gorgeous looker across the room staring at you. What are you thinking?
  2. A creepy guy with a pet raven walks up. What do you do?
  3. A beautiful man/woman kisses you (the same one from the ball) what is your reaction now?
  4. What do you enjoy doing more?
  5. Which would you wear?
  6. Which would you rather read?
  7. You can only pick one food. WHich is it?
  8. What is your favorite ending to a story?
  9. Do you believe in "happily ever after" and love at first sight?
  10. What is your favorite Ted Dekker book?
  11. What character do you think you are most like?
  12. Do you think that this quiz will teach you anything about yourself?

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Quiz topic: What Immanuel's Veins Character am I?