What Icewing Circle are you in? Wings Of Fire

In this quiz you will be testing your skills as an Icewing in both combat and knowledge. You will be tested in things such as the animi of the Icewings.

You will be judged into certain circles by your ability to answer the questions. The Icewings hope you achieve reaching at least the top 3 circles. Or else if you fail completely you will be exiled.

Created by: IcewingsDaBest
  1. Which of these Icewings created the Gift Of Light?
  2. What was 1 of Queen Diamond’s Gift to the Icewing Tribe? (2 Possible Right Answers)
  3. Which animus created the Gift Of Defence?
  4. Why was the Ancient Night/Icewing War start?
  5. Which of these are Real Icewing Gifts.
  6. What was some of the ideas for Artic’s Gift For The Icewings?
  7. How would you fight a Seawing?
  8. Who were the Heirs to the Throne before Queen Snowfall.
  9. Who was the Nightwing who stole Prince Artic?
  10. How did Queen Glacier die?

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Quiz topic: What Icewing Circle am I in? Wings Of Fire
