What Hunger Games character are you?!

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This quiz s about THE HUNGER GAMES, by the way my favorite HUNGER GAMES character is Cato from the Career Wolf Pack. I hope you all do a AWESOME JOB!!

Good good do your best on my quiz OK and try to get a hundred percent. If you get zero well then how pathetic. Your brain is size of a dumb peanut haha even the peanut is to smart for you that's how dumb you are you worm bye.

Created by: Bobby Quackenbush of facebook
(your link here more info)
  1. If you we're in The Hunger Games what would you do?!
  2. What is your favorite district?!... :-)
  3. What district would you like to be in?!..!? :-)
  4. Who is your favorite district teammates?!
  5. Who is you favorite Hunger Games Career Wolf Pack character?! =-O
  6. Do you think you would be the first killed in The Hunger Games?!
  7. Do you think you would last until the end in The Hunger Games!!!!!!!!!.........?
  8. What would you do if it was near the end of the games and the Career Wolf Pack found you:
  9. Favorite color!?
  10. Almost done the quiz one more question after this so are you enjoying the QUIZ so far.!?.
  11. OK final question are you ready to get your results on what Hunger Games character are you?

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Quiz topic: What Hunger Games character am I?!