What httyd dragon should you ride

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Hy this is my first quiz and it is about what httyd dragon should you ride and train so lets find out right now if you want to know so lets get started!

And just to know I'm not a native English speaker,I'm from Europe from Serbia.So if there are any mistakes please do not be mad at me,thanks.๐Ÿ˜€And again thank you!

Created by: Vanjolina of httyd amino
(your link here more info)
  1. Hy,this is my first quiz and I hope I do well and am a Europian so I DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH VELL so please do not be mad at me.
  2. Do you want to help the planet?
  3. Do you like to help others?
  4. Favorite music gender?
  5. Who is your crush?This one is fore girls.๐Ÿ˜„
  6. Would you like a dragon,I truly would like a dragon.
  7. What do you prefer?
  8. Ok las question.Did you like my quiz?
  9. Bye see you,It was nice to talk whit you, and thy this thing I you love dragons [no urls] again and bye!
  10. Ok so this is not after all the last question there gotta be at least 10 questions so however do you like httyd?
  11. O and be sure to check the site [no urls] ar just search httyd amino and click on the first one
  12. And I added a mother question again sorry but should I Singhup for httyd amino
  13. Now seriously bye and see you again, and thanks!
  15. Oh and sorry again but just to know I did not make amino apps.com it is achouly the company calls aminoapps but I just wanted to share It so you all will hopefully check it out.

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Quiz topic: What httyd dragon should I ride

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