What Howrse Player are You?

What kind of Howrse player are you? A rude forum spammer? A helpful Mini-Mod? A ruthless competitive breeder? Find out now! ....................................


Created by: Iterie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a horse in the direct sales labeled "Uni Reject." You;
  2. Someone is spamming the forums with useless advertising!
  3. You have 1,000,000 equus and 1,000 passes. What do you do with it?
  4. Howrse has PMed you to say you posted something that wasn't allowed in the classified ads.
  5. Someone's having a give-away contest in their forum. They're giving away a uni!
  6. Someone has PMed you. They're asking you to by a VERY expensive horse! It turns out that horse was scammed from them, and they want it back!
  7. You see a horse in the direct sales with the latest GP release, 100% BLUP, fully trained, and the gender and breed purity of your choice. It's way more then you can afford, but there's a negotiations button below the price.
  8. A newbie is offering their foundation, immortal, elemental unicorn for 10,000 equus and a piece of cloud.
  9. There's a PM that looks like it's from Howrse. It says to send them your password at the link to keep playing.
  10. In your EC forum, someone has posted a whole bunch of chain mail.

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Quiz topic: What Howrse Player am I?