What How to Train Your Dragon rider are you?

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What How to Train Your Dragon person are YOU? You may like your result, you might not. Will you take the chance? What would you name your dragon? And also, did you let the sheep loose again!?

Created by: Anonymous
  1. If you come across a new dragon type, what do you do?
  2. True or false: You look forward to walking into caves full of traps and treasure.
  3. You are going to an island supposedly full of Night Furies. What do you do?
  4. You have been kidnapped by outcasts! What do you do!?
  5. It's a short quiz, but would you tell your friends about this?
  6. What dragon is your favorite?
  7. Is your dragon loyal?
  8. What would you name your dragon?
  9. Before you tamed a dragon, you caught one! What would you do with it?
  10. The sheep got loose again!

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Quiz topic: What How to Train my Dragon rider am I?