What House Would YOU be in?!

"Nobody fails, unless they try." "try once, fail. Try again, fail better" "i haven't failed, I've just made 10,000 mistakes" You cant fail in this quiz! find out which house you'll be in! If you dont get in the house that you want to get into, TRY AGAIN!

Created by: a PERSON
  1. If you could pick one class to take in Hogwarts school of with craft and wizardry which class would it be?
  2. Who would be your idol witch/wizard?
  3. A troll breaks into Hogwarts and is destroying everything in sight, and you can only save 2 items. What would you save?
  4. what is your favorite Harry Potter movie?
  5. There are 4 drinks set out on a table in front of you and you have to drink one. Which one will you drink?
  6. Who would be your best friend at Hogwarts?
  7. What is your favorite snack?
  8. Black or White?
  9. Which is your preferred pet to bring to Hogwarts? Cat, Owl, Rat, or Toad?
  10. Dawn or Dusk?
  11. If you could be one character in Harry Potter, which would you be?

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