What House Pet are You?

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HHHHIIIIII you take this quiz to know what house pet you are!. now if youll' excuse me, vdcygbbedcqvygvcbhc xveuhue3vygfseted673gvdbx dkj dcjb jc u ehinjhgduyvdbnj

ygefihrugfj7dspioe3yuidxfcbguhnjmklkuytffdrrfswvgbuiecybxndmiaeswjjjjjjjzdiookkkkkkkkkkkkkk. ill make more quizzes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your welcome. PS. AND DON"T LIE TO GET THE ONE YOU WANT

Created by: Violet
  1. If you encountered a school bully, and he said, "Ha Ha, idiot" what would you do?
  2. What pet do you want to get?
  3. Whats your favorite outdoor activity?
  4. What sweet treat do you have on Holidays?🎄
  5. What sort of body skin would you like to have?
  6. Whats your first thing to do in the morning?
  7. If your pet was bad, what would you do?
  8. Did you like this quiz????????????????????????
  10. MK BYEEEE!

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Quiz topic: What House Pet am I?
