What house pet are you?

Hi everyone I only made this so blame boredom if something goes wrong and I will tell you that you should watch I spoil the sight for everyone at [no urls] it is halarious

directions you click the answer that applies to you most if you click random I will delete this quiz because i shall know you did it so don't even try

Created by: Viola Cockcroft of Click i spoil the sight for everyone
(your link here more info)
  1. what is your favorite food?
  2. what do you like to do if you have a lot of free time?
  3. what is your favorite book?
  4. how do you like your fur?
  5. what possession would you like to have as your house animal self?
  6. what is your favorite type of book?
  7. what is your favorite type of music?
  8. what is your favorite color(you knew I would ask that soon wouldn't you)?
  9. what is the first letter of your name?
  10. finally, what is your opinion on this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What house pet am I?
