What House Are You In? [ for a hogwarts styled discord rp ]

This quiz was made for a discord roleplay server to test what house your character would be in. Yes, it was inspired by hogwarts. owo im so lazy i dont wanna write stuff

jsissdhajdsusjdndsjnsshsjsjsjsssseeeeeeeee also for phoenixflight i meant red and yellow not red and orange sinsiamaksks idmsosms sisjeoerogkgjekff 123

Created by: Sxster Alex
  1. What would you do if someone was breaking the rules?
  2. What colors?
  3. What do you think you are?
  4. Which Professer?
  5. What’s your hobby?
  6. What would you do if you were sent to the Principal’s office?
  7. What’s your favorite spell?
  8. What would you do in class?
  9. Choose an animal.
  10. Is your character a rule breaker?

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Quiz topic: What House am I In? [ for a hogwarts styled discord rp ]
