What house are u in? (harry potter)

SUP! calling all harry potter fans! the stupidest quiz ever! telling u that now! dont take this if u have now sense of humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

are u gryffindor????? are u ravenclaw????? are u hufflepuff????? are u slyterien????? wowwww! now u can know! also im saying again!!!! dont take if u dont like to laugh!

Created by: pickle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  2. Choose an animal!
  3. do u like this quiz?
  4. have u even read harry potter???
  5. bob!
  6. (sorry that last one was funny) who is your fav carachter???
  7. are u on team 10 or logang?
  8. pickle!
  9. woof!
  10. last question!!!

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