what hot naruto boy are you

this quiz is about naruto so plees no one who does not like naruto take this. i took 2 hours to create a dumb test. so try and understand all the stupid stuff.

also i was really board so some questions are stupid. and dont worry about the gender question you can be a girl to take this quiz.ignor me i am talking to myself sorry:)

Created by: nao

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you do if you wanted to know more about them?
  2. if you could have any coler hair in the anime world what would it be?
  3. if you could date one of the naruto girls wich one would it be?
  4. of course what is your favorite coler. :)
  5. what do you like more?
  6. which food would you most likely eat?
  7. what coler is your room painted?
  8. are you fat sorry this was just random i know
  9. are you tall
  10. are you fast

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Quiz topic: What hot naruto boy am I