what horse is your type

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Thank you for taking this Quiz. There are 12 qustions to answer. And I hope you like horses

Me and my sister made this and we will be happy for you to try it out.

Created by: molly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you walk out of the door and then you say I forgot to put my makup on and rush inside
  2. Do you Like to do Sports Like soccer and basket ball
  3. When you paint a picture and you finish it does it look
  4. are you fast
  5. What time do you wake up
  6. If you were a horse would you
  7. What do you like better
  8. What do you want more.
  9. Whats more inportant
  10. Whats the your favriot out of these

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Quiz topic: What horse is my type