What Horse Breed are you

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this is a quiz to see if you were to be a horse, which horse you wold be. you will be asked 13 questions, choose with your own opinion not someone elses.

after you are done you will be given your resaults. you will get eaiter: mustang, arabian, thoroughbred, paint horse, or quarter horse. i hope you enjoy the quiz and thanks for choosing my quiz to take.

Created by: Anna Nicole

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your owner tells a lesson student to go get you. what do u do
  2. your about to be riden, your owner is brushing you. how do u react
  3. what is your favorite thing to do as a horse
  4. what is your favorite color horse
  5. what is your favorite food as a horse
  6. If you were a horse and your owner wanted to load you in a trailer. how would you react
  7. do you prefer western to english events
  8. what is your favorite horse breed
  9. what is your favorit western event
  10. what is your favorite english event
  11. what horse would you like to be

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Quiz topic: What Horse Breed am I You can find more quizzes like this one in our Horses Quiz category.