What Horse Breed Are You?

So, have you always wanted to be a horse, even though it is impossible? Well...nothings impossible! Anyway, now is your chance to be a horse! Kinda...

Just answer these fun questions to reveal the answer to your question-What breed of horse would I be. Are you excited?? I hope so! Well-come on-start!

Created by: Lexie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. There is a new horse at the barn-and he is a beautiful Paint Horse...you?
  2. Now, your beloved owner-Emily wants to ride him, instead of you. You...
  3. So, they just came back, and Emily puts the Stallion in the paddock with you. You say...
  4. He starts talking to you-and he says he was a rescue horse. You say...
  5. Well, Emily walks over to you and asks you if you want to go for a ride. You say... *Dont forget its night time!*
  6. So, you go on the ride...and you reach a huge puddle-You...
  7. You see a big log in front of you, that you have to jump over, and there's no way around it. You...
  8. You are walking and occasionaly trotting the trail, and you run into another horse. It's Josh the stable hand riding The new Paint-Comet! You...
  9. Comet Looks at you, then his right, then his left-he start walking toward the right, heading home. You...
  10. Well-you reach home the same time as Comet. Emily puts you in your stall, and Comet in his new stall next to you. You say...
  11. So, did you like this quiz? *No effect on results
  12. Are you ready for you results?? *No effect on result

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Quiz topic: What Horse Breed am I?