What Horse Breed Are You?

This quiz is about what type of horse breed are you. You will anser a series of questions to find out wether you are a cold warm or hot blooded horse.

Are you a big strong horse or a fast a light one? Do you enjoy working out or running in big races with lots of people? Take this quiz to find out what you are!

Created by: Shelby

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you work out at the gym lifting weights?
  2. Do you run in races or to work out?
  3. Do you jump hurdles?
  4. What is your favorite class in school?
  5. Do you like to Party?
  6. What are you doing?
  7. What do you think that you are most like?
  8. This will not effect your score. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Do you have thick hair?
  10. Last quetion. Do you have lots of friends?

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Quiz topic: What Horse Breed am I?