What horse are you

This quiz will see what horse breed you are. There is a few different results that you can get with random questions. A really good horse TV show called Spirit Riding Free.

A good horse book is called Magic Ponies. These examples are why I decided to do my quiz about horses in the first place. There really is barely anything relevant to horses in this quiz. - Ivy

Created by: Ivy
  1. Whats your favorite color
  2. What mythical creature do you like
  3. Whats your favorite element
  4. What's your favorite animal
  5. What wings of fire dragon
  6. Choose a number
  7. Choose a time
  8. What is 7x5
  9. Who the author of Wings Of Fire (you can search it on google)
  10. Do you like chocolate milk

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Quiz topic: What horse am I
