What Horse Are You?

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There are people that want to know what breed of horse they would be. But they will never know, unless they know what horse they remind themselves of. This quiz will tell you luckily!

Have you ever wanted to know what breed of horse you would be? Well take this quiz. You are either a Paint, Shire, Arabian, or Mustang. Just answer the questions and then find out what spectacular breed you are!

Created by: Destiny

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite Color?
  2. Out of your friends, what are you?
  3. When do you go to bed?
  4. What color hair do you have?
  5. What year were you born in?
  6. What does your first name start with?
  7. What do you prefer?
  8. What is your specialty?
  9. If you could choose any of these names, which one would it be?
  10. What would you do after riding?

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Quiz topic: What Horse am I?