What Horror Movie Character Are You?

Are you scary and gullible and just plain and simply crazy! If your are take the quiz of a lifetime a scary lifetime hahahah beware of the craziness of this quiz?

Are you what it takes to be evil hahahahhahahah your as creepy as a black widow wow you really scary if you took it tell your friends that dead pool made it!

Created by: Ethan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How high is your sense of humor aka how funny are you?
  2. If you could only have one weapon what would it be.
  3. What is your favorite horror movie or video games out of these?
  4. What is your favorite way to kill someone in saw?
  5. What is your personality?
  6. What is your favorite music genre?
  7. What is your favorite anti hero?
  8. What is your favorite food?
  9. How scared are you of horror?
  10. If you could die from any of these people who would it be.

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Quiz topic: What Horror Movie Character am I?