What Hoi4 Major Are You?

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A Quiz That Dictates Which Hoi4 Major ( Britain, France, America, German, Italy, Soviet Union, Japan ) using a mix of Hoi4, random and war related questions.

For some reasion I have to have an extra paragraoth here, no idea why but typing this will for-fill that requirment. i nedd mroe words... Only a few mor-

Created by: John F KENNEDY
  1. Which Doctrine Do You Use / Prefer The Most?
  2. Which War Method Do You Use / Preferer The Most?
  3. Which Tank Design Do You Use / Prefer The Most?
  4. What Is Most Important To You When In A Peace Conference?
  5. Which Ideology Do You Play / Prefer The Most?
  6. Do You Play With Historical Ai On Or Off?
  7. Do You Prefer To Go The Historical Path Or A-Historical Paths?
  8. Which Of The Following Hoi4 Youtubers Do You Watch / Like The Most?
  9. Generally, How Good would You Say You Are At Hoi4?
  10. Which Of The Following Resources Do You Find The Most Useful In Hoi4?
  11. What Political Quadrant Are You In?
  12. What's Your Favourite Food Out Of These Options?
  13. What's Your Favourite Season?
  14. Where Would You Rather Live?
  15. What's Your Favourite Colour?
  16. What War Do You Find The Most Interesting?
  17. In Your Opinion, What Was The Most Interesting Battle Of WW2?
  18. In Your Opinion, What Was The Most Interesting Front Of WW2
  19. What Would You Say Was The Main Cause For WW2?
  20. Finally, The Most Important Question, Who Is The Most Attractive?

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Quiz topic: What Hoi4 Major am I?
