What Hogwarts House are you in?

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This is a quiz to determine WHAT Hogwarts house you are! I'm a Hufflepuff. Try to not click on the dumb answers! Good luck on completeing the testtttttttt!

bhgvbg jnftrc rhure4uh bv4etghkjo eryupngytr5b hyfw3fgy feurrj fjkytegh ftk;ogy iyho r688986b uufgunbgyhoyf yfrstfgi k fhjkehrcu ew fj gwqbdjksbaj fhewehjrfbsbdfuish hehfjsahf hrueh fhdjhfdfjhd jeyrhndfjk dnfhui

Created by: Emma
  1. If you got lost in a forest, which way would you go?
  2. What animal would you take to Hogwarts?
  3. You are in a cave and you are lost. As you walk, you find 5 doors. All are unlocked. Which door will you go to?
  4. Do you wish Hogwarts was real?
  5. Random Question: What is Mrs. Wesley's first name?
  6. Another Random Question: Do you like Slime?
  7. What is Dumbledore's FIRST name?
  8. What happened to Harry's Parents?
  9. Who is Snape servile to? (Trick Question)
  10. What are you most excited about learning at Hogwarts
  11. Did you like the test?

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Quiz topic: What Hogwarts House am I in?
