What Hogwarts house are you?

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Hi this quiz is just for fun. I want everyone to know that before they take this quiz that I’m not very good at making quizzes so sorry.😣also I was bored.

These questions are all my ideas and don’t worry this is not a stereotype quiz. Also for whoever thinks Hufflepuffs are weak, you’re a dumbstick(if you get my jokes I’ll love you forever) don’t mess with a Hufflepuff!💛🖤💛🖤

Created by: Hufflepuff girl
  1. What character do you most relate to?
  2. Would you stay or leave during the battle of Hogwarts?
  3. Who would be your favorite professer?
  4. What magical creature do you like most?
  5. You’re in your 5th year at Hogwarts, you receive a howler from your parents, what for?
  6. What would your boggart be?
  7. What Ilvermorny house are you in?
  8. What era of magic would you want to live in?
  9. What job would you like to pursue after Hogwarts?
  10. What pet would you bring with you to school?
  11. What would be your favorite class?
  12. What position in quittage would you play
  13. It would make you feel bad if someone called you?
  14. What do you see in the mirror of Erised?
  15. Who are you out of your friend group?

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Quiz topic: What Hogwarts house am I?
