What hobby is perfect for you?

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People need to explore new things thats why we try new thing but some people dont know what kinds of things to try, or you could just be bored and trying to find something to do!

So you dont know what kind of hobbies to try. So take this quiz and if your not happy with the results just go back and change some of the answers. Either way it only takes a few mins so good luck!

Created by: Sara Mebtouche
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like Physical activities?
  2. Do you like animals?
  3. Which of these sounds best?
  4. aprroxamitely how long a day do you wath tv?
  5. do you do any of these already?
  6. Would you rather?
  7. True or False? You would stay home on the laptop with the tv on all day if you could
  8. do you think girls should only do girly things?
  9. this question wont affect your result i just cant think of anything else

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