what high school sterio type are you

There is a lot of worry about high school. And most of that worry is on sterio types well this is a quiz that will either add more worry or less. And there is a lot of misspelling in this and sorry for that.

Should you be worried? Should you be exided? Will you be the top or the bottom? Will you meet the one? Will it take a while? Find out here! When you get your result you'll figure that out.

Created by: mrs. pompoms!

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever been bullied
  2. Enamies?...
  3. Do you love school
  4. Have you ever been a cheerleader
  5. Have you ever played football
  6. Grades?
  7. You just got punched in the face and the one that punched you is right in front of you what do you do
  8. If you walk down the hall way what happens
  9. I don't know what to do for tha next 2 questions so ill just do random letters (there is no correct answer)
  10. Hj

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Quiz topic: What high school sterio type am I