What Hero Are You?

This quiz is to find out what kind of hero you would be or become as you continue your life. It has five different out comes of what hero you could become.

You will be asked ten questions about different decisions you may be needed to make in real life. You pick the power and what hero you would want to be.

Created by: Hero decider
  1. If your friend was being held captive by the world's ancient destructor would you.......
  2. If you could pick one superpower what would it be?
  3. Would you............
  4. If you had to choose live with your girlfriend or save the world would you?
  5. If a dark lord offered you a drink that would cure you but change you to one of him would you?
  6. What would your suit colors be?
  7. Die saving the world or die with loved ones?
  8. Leave kids when they are young to keep them out of your evil schemes or kill your kids
  9. You see a open door but to where?
  10. Would you work alone or work in a team?

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Quiz topic: What Hero am I?
