What Harry Potter House would you be in?

Created by: This Guy
  1. What is your favorite animal?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What would you want your wand core to be(if you do not know what each one does just look it up)?
  4. What would you chose as a pet?
  5. What is your choice of weapon?
  6. You are given a test at school that has questions that teacher hasn't covered yet. In the middle of the test you notice that your friend next to you has a cheat-sheet. The teacher doesn't notice.
  7. While walking down the street you see a wallet on the side of the road. It has a small amount of money in it, but no identification of any kind. There is nobody in sight.
  8. You have arrived late to work because you had a flat tire. You've been on time every other day for the past month, yet your boss yells at you about it in front of all your coworkers.
  9. A little kid accuses you, in front of a whole crowd people, of stealing his toy which you did not do. You are twice his size, but he won't back off.
  10. A friend of yours tells you that there is some really cool stuff in an old abandoned building. When you get there you see a sign that "Danger: Do not enter!", but the building doesn't look dangerous. There is nobody around to see you, and your friend wants to check it out.

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