What Harry Potter Character are You????

This quiz will help you see what your Harry Potter character is! Everyone is an amazing character and you should be proud to be one of these characters!!

Take the quiz to find out(I got Hermione Granger!!) Everyone knows that when Harry Potter meets real life most people are happy. Everyone will pls give me a big thumbs!

Created by: Magic Master
  1. Are you brave and intelligent, loyal and ambitious, hardworking, and wise, or caring?
  2. What are your goals in life?
  3. Who do you prefer???
  4. Are you a.………….?
  5. Are you most likely to succeed?
  6. How do your friends describe you?
  7. What is your FAV colour?
  8. What is your best spell?
  9. Where do you live?
  10. How do you say "Hermione"?

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Quiz topic: What Harry Potter Character am I????

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