what harry potter character are you?

What Harry Potter character will you be? will you be harry potter himself brave and noble? or perhaps Luna Lovegood a loyal and brave friend? maybe you will be Lord Voldemort powereful and clever

this quiz is to tell you which harry potter character you are most like by your answers to the following questions.(hope you dont get umbridge. that would be horrible)

Created by: youdontneedmyname
  1. what is your faverite color?
  2. what is your faverite hobby?
  3. how do you study for a test?
  4. what is your favorite animal
  5. what wand would you choose?
  6. how old are you?
  7. pick a weapon
  8. what would you choose as a hocrux
  9. did you like this quiz?
  10. what are nargles?

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Quiz topic: What harry potter character am I?
