What Hairstyle Represents Your Personality? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Hairstyle Represents Your Personality?
The Low Pony tail. The descriptions were too too TRUE. Very weird that you are a kind of mind reader. Whatever, you are a master in quiz making. High Five!!
Low ponytail?? That's my least favorite style after a pixie cut:O and I HATE being stuck at home!!!! This quiz sounded cool, but the results SUCKED!
The low ponytail? I'm nothing like that. I'm totally opposite to my result.
The all down totally matches my description.
The side Ponytail is a LITERAL match it was so creepy ,and I all ways have my hair in side pony too!!!!!
Woah my hair is always curly and I got curly that's awesome, I fun to hang around and stuff.
FIREY_SOUL IS LIKE THE AWESOME AUTHOR EVA! don't judge her, she is awesome!
Curly Damn right my hair is curly :D
And my second is side ponytail. It does look good on me.
I love high ponytails! I used to wear them all the time when I had long hair. Now I have short hair and I hate it:(
All Down
Psh! Description doesn't match me AT ALL! But I still gave you 10/10 for the heck of it. :)
Hey, you take that back! If I bore people so much then why am I so popular on this site?
YA Firey_Soul is an awesome writer! And I got the same thing as hers! And I'm good with mine cuz sometimes I'm like that. But still, TAKE IT BAACK!
It says pixie cut.
I have a bob.
O.o -
It said all down. The descripition said i bore people thats NOT true
yeah! firey soul is awesome and i got that i bore people too well guess wat, i do NOT!
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