what hair colour should u have???

This is to find out how dumb u are! Or smart same thing! Well people say hair color has a thing to it so i made it interesting!!! My quiz is called what hair colour should u have! Hope u enjoy it well hope ur not blonde!

Are u smart middle or dumb!! Well heres where u find out! Blonde means ur dumb. red means ur in the middle! And brown means ur smart or intelligent!!! Hope u enjoy the quiz if u do I will write more!

Created by: abby

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u do good in school???
  2. Do u watch sci-fi
  3. Do u care more about how u look then school work?
  4. where do u shop?
  5. Do u like to read??
  6. What movies do u like?
  7. Do u kno what ur gonna be when u grow up?
  8. about how many books do u read in a month?
  9. how many friends do u have
  10. do u have hand eye cordination
  11. UUMMM

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