What hair color will you get? (rainbow colors)

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Hello! I spent some time making this quiz even though it's only 10 questions 😅 My results for you might not be accurate because honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing but I hope you like this quiz!

This quiz is called : What color hair will you get? (Rainbow colors). What I mean by rainbow colors is there is no black hair or white hair or grey hair. There are the rainbows colors! Bye!

Created by: OddUnawarePane
  1. What time in the day do you like?
  2. What color dress would you wear?
  3. Which emotion are you most of the time?
  4. If some one asked you for help because they couldn't reach for something at the store, how would you react?
  5. I some one called you Ugly, would would you say or do?
  6. Some one who is not your type asks you out, what will you do?
  7. What type of genre movie would you want to watch?
  8. what type of pet would you like?
  9. Would you share your pizza?
  10. This is the End of this Quiz! Which color hair do you want or think you'll get?

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Quiz topic: What hair color will I get? (rainbow colors)
