what guy is ment for you from mindless behavior

there are a lot of smart people out there are you one of them? you never know if you are one of them.... thank you for taking my quiz. thank you again

you are genius good job for taking my quiz I tried really HARD on that quiz sothank you so much worked for a couple minuets on this quiz but good job on my quiz

Created by: natalie watt
  1. what is your style from an MB boy
  2. who do you like the most from MB???????????
  3. when is prodigy's birthday???????????????
  4. when is Roc Ryoals birthday
  5. when is Princetons birthday??????
  6. when is Ray Rays birthday
  7. how old is prodigy??????
  8. how old is Ray Ray
  9. how old is Roc Royal
  10. how old is Princeton?
  11. who do u think you will get???
  12. what is roc royals real name?????
  13. what is Ray rays real name???
  14. what is prodigys real name?????????
  15. how many siblings does prodigy have?
  16. how many siblings do Princeton have?
  17. how many siblings do ray ray have?
  18. how many siblings do roc have?
  19. what is Princtions real name

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