what gun are you

this quiz will tell you what gun you are and the characteristics about your gun are also you will like it because most people i know need a gun to know they are

are YOU wanting to know what your dream gun is? if you take this quiz you will find out and earn your title of either MSR sniper rifle, AK-47< Mossberg M1014 or maybe something different

Created by: Ricky Finney 2
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what weapon class is your fave
  2. are you
  3. if you had to die in combat how would it be?
  4. fave war movie
  5. fave type of camo
  6. fave gun brand
  7. if you could have any rank what would it be
  8. how tall
  9. shoes you have right now
  10. are you gay/lesbian

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Quiz topic: What gun am I